Small Vans Perfect For Navigating City Streets

There will come a time when you find that a car just doesn’t cut it anymore. It might be a one-off occasion, such as moving house or transporting a large piece of furniture for the home or some equipment for work, but it could also be the beginning of a brand new stage of your life and career – and a small van is the perfect step to take.

There are different sizes, types and models of vans to choose from, and all have their uses in different situations. City streets can be short, winding and narrow, making it much more difficult for a larger vehicle to get everywhere you need to be. Knowing what the van will be used for and where will help you find the right one, but we have some suggestions to help.


Know Why You Need A Van



Before buying a van, you should spend time thinking about why you need a van – and what you’ll do with it. If it’s the odd trip now and then that requires one, it becomes an expensive investment to own your own vehicle, especially if it requires you to replace your car for one. This has an impact on other parts of your life, from fuel efficiency to passenger capacity and much more.

You might not realise just how much of a car’s features or setup you use without thinking until you have the van. That said, vans do offer a lot of advantages themselves, so think long and hard before making a decision.


What Jobs Benefit From A Van?

There are a lot of jobs and careers that benefit from using vans instead of cars, especially those that involve carrying a lot of supplies and equipment around. This means that many trades, such as builders, painters, carpenters, electricians and plumbers can all benefit from using a van.

A van delivery service is also seeing a surge in demand and popularity thanks to the rise of online shopping and food delivery. Being able to take more goods on a single journey means you can be more efficient, rather than relying on a car’s transport capacity that is much smaller.

You can also use the increased surface area for branding, making people who see the vehicle more aware of your business and what you offer.


Understanding Van Costs

Switching from a car to a small van doesn’t mean everything will be the same but with a larger vehicle. From driving style to how and where you park and unload anything you transport, there are plenty of changes. One of the big considerations, however, is the cost.

Vans can be more expensive than cars in a lot of situations, so you have to be able to meet the cost of purchasing the vehicle, as well as insuring it. Beyond this, there are running costs to think about, too. Vans can use more fuel than a car, and they are going to see a lot of use – which means maintenance costs can add up over time, too.

Before making any decision, consider the van costs and what impact that will have on your business.


Why Size Matters


For many people, bigger is better. As mentioned above, the bigger the vehicle, the more flexibility you have with what you transport – whether that’s people or goods. This makes it seem like an obvious choice to choose a big model over a small van, but that’s only part of the equation.

Adapting to the environment matters, and larger vans aren’t always suited to city life, especially in busier areas where parking is harder to find and the spaces are smaller. You should also consider how much space you need. Leaving room to grow and account for the odd situation where you need more space than usual is helpful, but if your vehicle is half empty most of the time, you might be able to take advantage of a smaller vehicle and the benefits it offers.


Top 3 best small vans for getting around the city



While there are plenty of small vans to choose from, some are better than others. We’re not just considering the cost and size, however, but other factors that can affect how much use and value you’ll get out of your vehicle.

Whichever model you choose should depend on what you need to use it for, where you’ll use it and how much each feature will help your business and journeys. We suggest researching each model and looking at the reviews to see what people say, but the following three van models are fantastic choices for navigating city streets and getting the best value out of your van.


1. Fiat Doblo

The Fiat Doblo is a practical van that gives you great bang for your buck. There’s a lot of space to use, whether for equipment or goods, and there’s access on the side and to the rear, so you can access what’s regardless of the obstacles you face when parking.

The Doblo is one of the better small vans for fuel efficiency, so you can avoid the high fuel costs that come with some, thirstier models and improve your profit margins.

2. Ford Transit Connect

As one of the best selling smaller van models, the Ford Transit Connect is adapted from a car chassis, but comes with a lot of features and kit to help make it perfect for your needs. There’s a great amount of space to use, and the design is popular with a lot of van owners.

It’s another fuel efficient model, so you can go further and longer on a full tank than other models, which means less time at the pumps.

3. Volkswagen Caddy

The Volkswagen Caddy is one of the best small van models we’ve come across. It’s a great shape and size, with good access and the ability to dart in and out of even the smallest streets and parking spaces, which many other vans can’t copy.

The Caddy is a great quality van, so you should encounter fewer issues and problems that need to be fixed – which eases pressure on your wallet – and the brand is going from strength to strength, too.


When to trade in your van for a new model

No vehicle lasts forever, whether it’s a car, lorry, bike or something else. The same is true for your van, and while you might run it to the very end of it’s lifespan and usefulness, that doesn’t mean it can’t help you one last time.

At We Buy Broken Vans, we can help you with the search for a replacement vehicle by taking your old vehicle, whether broken or roadworthy, and giving you a fair price for it. This can help you with the cost of the model you want to buy next and keep you on the road for longer, and with little fuss. Get in touch with our team to find out more about our process.



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